
Exhibition of Artists-Educators of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow “FAITH AND REASON” (pol.: "WIARA I ROZUM"), Tarnów, Poland — HORTAR Gallery, Tarnów, Poland
Exhibition of Artists-Educators of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow “FAITH AND REASON” (pol.: “WIARA I ROZUM”), Krakow, Poland — Gallery “Krypta u Pijarów”, Krakow, Poland
„Structures” – Exposition d’art contemporain - an exhibition of works by artists from Canada, France, Japan and Poland — Cour des Arts Gallery, Brunstatt-Didenheim, France
"Small Format 2023" — ("Mały Format 2023") - RAVEN Gallery, Krakow
"Saved Spaces" - individual painting exhibition — Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna, Austria
"Where are you source?!" (orig.: "Gdzie jesteś źródło?!") - exhibition of Artists-Teachers of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow — Gallery "Crypt at the Piarists", Krakow
"Land of Sensitivity" - drawing (Kraina wrażliwości - rysunek) - accompanying exhibition within the framework of the event: 3. Krakow Art Meetings 2022 TERRITORIES — The Palace of Fine Arts, Krakow
"Genius Loci Akademii. Akademia Genius Loci" — PRYZMAT Gallery, Kraków
2021 - 2022
"And the body became a soul" ("A ciało duszą się stało") — Municipal Art Gallery in Częstochowa (Poland)
"Ecce Homo" — PRYZMAT Gallery, Krakow
2019 - 2020
V Christmassy Salon of Polish Artists Union (ZPAP), Cracow District, 2019 — The Palace of Fine Arts, Krakow
10th International Drawing Biennale, Melbourne, Australia — Victorian Artists Society Gallery, Melbourne
"Pamięć morza II" (Remembrance of the Sea II) — Foundation Tytano Gallery, exhibition area “Dolnych Młynów”, Krakow
"Pamięci artystów Polski niepodległej" (In Memory of Artists of Independent Poland), Cracow Art Meetings 2019 “Dialogs” — Gallery "Bunkier Sztuki", Krakow
"Art Visions 2019" - International Exhibition of Contemporary Art — Gallery "Sala z Widokiem", Krakowskie Forum Kultury, Mały Rynek, Krakow
"Myśląc ojczyzna" (Thinking: Homeland) — Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow
"Pamięć Morza I" (Remembrance of the Sea I) — Cracow Saltworks Museum in Wieliczka - underground exposition of the museum on the third level of the salt mine, Wieliczka
2018 - 2019
Exhibition of works of women-pedagogues on the Faculty of Painting, Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland — Dean Gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow
Exhibition of jurors and awarded authors as part of 25 Anniversary of All-Polish Painting Plain in Jeżów, Poland — Gallery of Art School, Tarnow
"Light of the Sky" - individual exhibition — Paradise Blue Congress Centre, Albena, Bulgaria
"Landscapes of memory - tradition" — Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow
"Prof. Juliusz Joniak and his students" — The Palace of Fine Arts, Krakow
"Impressions Slaves" — Salle de la Decapole, Hotel de Ville de Turckheim, Turckheim, France
‘Vanitas' — Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow
‘Art Vision’s – International Exposition d’Art Contemporain’ — Centre for Art and Culture, Mulhouse, France
‘Outline and Madness / Heterotopias' — Akademia w Bronowicach Gallery, Krakow
"Rosengarten" — Nowa Huta Cultural Centre, Krakow
‘Animals II’ — drawing exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Provincial Public Library, Kraków
‘Łąka IV’ (Meadow IV) — Pałac Młodzieży, Akwarela Gallery, Katowice
‘Łąka V’ (Meadow V) — Nowa Huta Cultural Centre, Krakow
‘Introductio’ — exhibition of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Kotłownia Gallery, Krakow University of Technology; Gallery of the Faculty of Painting, Young Artists’ Gallery of AFA in Krakow
‘Moja przestrzeń’ (My Space) — exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Gallery of the Complex of Art Schools, Radom
‘Psy II’ (Dogs II) — drawing exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Bielany Cultural Centre, Warsaw
‘Kairos’ — exhibition of works by professors, Ph.D. students and students of the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts (AFA) in Krakow, Auditorium of the Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow
‘Hommage a Still Life’ — Pryzmat Gallery, Dom Plastyków, Krakow
‘Ogrody’ (Gardens) — Provincial Public Library, Krakow
‘Rosengarten’ — Otmuchów Castle
‘Undiscovered Space’ — solo exhibition, Congress Centre Flamingo Grand, Albena, Bulgaria
‘Nowi w ZPAP’ (New Artists in ZPAP [Association of Polish Artists and Designers]) — Pryzmat Gallery, Krakow
‘Psy’ — drawing exhibition, EXPO Silesia Trade and Conference Centre, Sosnowiec
‘Otwarte. Szkice artystów z kręgu Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie’ (Open: Sketches by Artists from the Circle of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow) — AFA Gallery, Krakow
‘Animals I’ — Batko Gallery, Ochojno
‘Olśnienia’ (Illuminations) — Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow
‘Oblicza Azji’ (The Faces of Asia) — Gallery of the AFA Faculty of Painting, Young Artists’ Gallery of AFA, Krakow
‘Tabu’ (Taboo) — exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Łaźnia Gallery, Radom
‘Łąka’ (Meadow) — Otmuchów Castle
‘Łąka II’ (Meadow II) — Subcarpathian Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts, Na Najwyższym Poziomie Gallery, Rzeszów
‘Łąka III’ (Meadow III) — Community Centre, Będzin
‘Po drugiej stronie cienia’ (On the Other Side of the Shadow) — Mazovian Centre for Culture and Art, XX1 Gallery, Warsaw
‘Oblicza Azji’ (The Faces of Asia) — Museum of Contemporary Art, Radom
‘Solar System' — Browar Lubicz, Kraków
‘Zielnik’ (Herbarium) — Otmuchów Castle
‘Przestrzenie magiczne’ (Magical Spaces) — solo exhibition, Gallery of Best Western Premier Hotel, Krakow
‘Kwiaciarnia’ (Flower Shop) — Otmuchów Castle
‘Oblicza Azji’ (The Faces of Asia) — National Museum of Ethnography, Warsaw
‘Po drugiej stronie cienia’ (On the Other Side of the Shadow) — Ostrołęka Gallery, Ostrołęka
‘Sztuka we wnętrzu’ (Art in the Interior) — Studio Arka, Krakow
‘Malarstwo 23 pedagogów krakowskiej ASP’ (Paintings by 23 Teachers of the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts) — Andel’s Hotel Cracow, Kraków
2009 - 2010
‘VII Triennale Sztuki Sacrum pt. Dom – droga istnienia’ (7th Triennial of Art Sacrum: Home – the Way of Being) — Municipal Art Gallery, Częstochowa
‘Odnajdywanie piękna’ (Finding Beauty) — Municipal Art Gallery, Zakopane; Płock Art Gallery, Płock
‘Malarstwo’ (Painting) — solo exhibition, Piano Nobile Gallery, Krakow
‘Rysunek’ (Drawing) — Natta Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
‘Odnajdywanie piękna’ (Finding Beauty) — Pałac Sztuki, Kraków
‘Malarstwo’ (Painting) — solo exhibition, AFA Gallery, Krakow
‘Oto człowiek, oto ludzie’ (Behold the Man, Behold the People) — AFA Gallery, Krakow
‘Wystawa pracowników ASP w Krakowie’ (Exhibition of the Staff of AFA in Krakow) — Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Krakow
‘Święto chleba’ (The Festival of Bread) — project completed for the Museum of Bread, Krakow
‘Prawda i piękno’ (Truth and Beauty) — AFA Gallery, Krakow
‘IV Triennale Autoportretu’ (4th Triennial of Self-Portrait) — Jacek Malczewski Museum, Radom
‘Zapach życia – malarstwo i rysunek’ (The Smell of Life: Painting and Drawing) — solo exhibition, Municipal Art Centre, Zakopane
‘Zapach życia – malarstwo i rysunek’ (The Smell of Life: Painting and Drawing) — solo exhibition, Tarnów Cultural Centre, Tarnów
‘Malarstwo i rysunek’ (Painting and Drawing) — solo exhibition, Municipal Centre for Culture and International Information, Radom
‘Akademia Sztuk Pięknych – 180 lat tradycji’ (Academy of Fine Arts: 180 Years of Tradition) — Halle 5, Zeche Zollverein Schacht XII, Essen, Germany
‘Glanz (Blask) – Ewa Bajek, Bogusława Bortnik, Janina KraupeŚwiderska, Maria Pinińska-Bereś, Dąbrówka Sobocka’ (Glanz [Shine]: Ewa Bajek, Bogusława Bortnik, Janina Kraupe-Świderska, Maria Pinińska-Bereś, Dąbrówka Sobocka) — Format Gallery of Contemporary Art, Krakow; Krakow House Gallery of Modern Art, Nuremberg, Germany; Polish Cultural Institute, Berlin, Germany
‘Malarstwo artystów galerii Bez Ram’ (Paintings by Artists of the Bez Ram Gallery) — Centre for Jewish Culture, Krakow
‘Rysunek artystów galerii Bez Ram’ (Drawings by Artists of the Bez Ram Gallery) — Italian Institute, Krakow
‘Jubileuszowa wystawa pedagogów ASP w Krakowie’ (Jubilee Exhibition of the Teachers of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow) — Pałac Sztuki, Krakow
‘Malarstwo i rzeźba pedagogów ASP z Krakowa’ (The Painting and Sculpture of the Teachers of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow) — BWA, Zabrze
‘Malarstwo’ (Painting) — solo exhibition, Pałac Sztuki, Kraków
‘Krąg, natura i jej abstrakcje’ (The Circle, Nature and its Abstractions) — BWA, Kraków
‘Polska sztuka z Krakowa’ (Polish Art from Krakow) — Maaltecenter, Ghent, Belgium
‘Malarstwo i rysunek’ (Painting and Drawing) — solo exhibition, BWA, Kraków
‘Widzenia malarskie’ (Painterly Visions) — BWA, Krakow
‘Polskie malarstwo współczesne’ (Contemporary Polish Painting) — Consulate of the Republic of Poland, Lyon, France
‘Malarstwo krakowskich artystów’ — Centre for Polish Culture, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia
‘Malarstwo i rysunek’ (Painting and Drawing) — solo exhibition, EX IT Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
‘Rysunek i malarstwo – Bortnik i Sobocka’ (Drawing and Painting: Bortnik and Sobocka) — EX IT Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Dyplom 1988, 1989 – Wystawa Najlepszych Prac Dyplomowych Wyższych Uczelni Plastycznych’ (Diploma 1988, 1989: Exhibition of the Best Diploma Works by Graduates of Art Schools) — Esken Palace, Toruń
‘Dialog’ (Dialogue) — Town Hall, Nuremberg, Germany; Pałac Sztuki, Krakow
‘Malarstwo jest kolorem’ (Painting is Colour) — KAW Gallery, Krakow
‘Malarstwo i rysunek’ (Painting and Drawing) — solo exhibition, Dom Polonii, Krakow
‘Malarstwo i grafika młodych artystów z Polski’ (Paintings and Prints by Young Artists from Poland) — O. Ahlers Gallery, Göttingen, Germany
‘Malarstwo jest kolorem’ (Painting is Colour) — KAW Gallery, Krakow
‘Malarstwo’ (Painting) — solo exhibition, Kunstmarkt, Göttingen, Germany
‘Malarstwo Ewy Bajek i Bogusławy Bortnik’ (The Painting of Ewa Bajek and Bogusława Bortnik) — Zentralmensa, Göttingen, Germany
‘Malarstwo’ (Painting) — Kunstmarkt, Göttingen, Germany
‘Ateliereinblicke’ — Town Hall, Nuremberg, Germany
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