
Momentalne ujęcie to termin pochodzący z Krytyki czystego rozumu Immanuela Kanta...
Witold Stelmachniewicz
Anxiety shows through an unclosed door. Between me and the world there is just a narrow gap and a streak of light, to which I cling with the eye of reason and heart...
Andrzej Bednarczyk
The artistic work of Bogusława Bortnik-Morajda is inspired by disciplines associated with her passions...
Kinga Nowak
When I saw some of Ms. Bogusława Bortnik-Morajda’s work, my first impulse was to associate it with the paintings of Francis Bacon...
Rafał Strent
Ms. Bogusława Bortnik-Morajda has long based her artistic self-realization on a fascination with man and his surroundings...
Andrzej Banachowicz
The painting of Bogusława Bortnik-Morajda came to my attention shortly after her graduation...
Adam Wsiołkowski
When I returned home after a few hours’ visit to the artist’s studio, where I had looked with genuine interest at her paintings and drawings...
Tadeusz Jackowski
The paintings of Bogusława Bortnik-Morajda, marked by a clearly defined personal style, revolve around recurrent themes and issues...
Ewa Herniczek
The paintings of Bogusława Bortnik are firmly set in the genre of expressive, Polish and Krakow figurative art. It has always existed for a specific reason. Large canvases create tension by juxtaposing vast geometric planes with the organic human figure...
Adam Brincken
Malarstwo Bogusławy Bortnik znakomicie zaświadcza o tym, że ten, wydawałoby się, marginalizowany przez elektroniczne media, tradycyjny warsztat sztuki trzyma się całkiem nieźle.
Antoni Szoska
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