‘Animals II’ — drawing exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Gallery of the Provincial Public Library, Krakow
‘Animals III’ — drawing exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Krowodrza Public Library, Krakow
‘Wystawa Rysunku II i IV Pracowni Wydziału Malarstwa ASP w Krakowie’ (Drawing Exhibition of the 2nd and 4th Studios at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow) — Drugie Piętro Gallery, AFA, Krakow
‘Moja przestrzeń’ (My Space) — exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Gallery of the Complex of Art Schools, Radom
‘Psy II’ (Dogs II) — drawing exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Bielany Cultural Centre, Warsaw
‘Kairos’ — exhibition of works by professors, Ph.D. students and students of the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts (AFA) in Krakow, Auditorium of the Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow
‘Animals IV’ — drawing exhibition of the 4th Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Painting of AFA in Krakow, Krowodrza Public Library, Krakow